Our Mission:

At Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Duluth, MN, we believe that our purpose is to make disciples of all nations by going, teaching and baptizing.  Jesus' Great Commission inspires our Mission Statement:

  • We are a Community of Christ
  • experiencing God,
  • reaching out,
  • nurturing faith.

We gather around God's Word and the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.  We reach out locally in the Duluth community and globally  with the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We nurture the faith of each member of our community in a life-long curriculum of discipleship.  Our deepest purpose is to love God and our neighbor with all of our heart.

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and reaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."    Matthew 28:18-20

Our Vision:

We are an active community of Christ. 

We experience God through meaningful worship, fellowship and study.  Inspired by God's word, we form loving, prayerful relationships with one another.

We reach out with compassion and share the love of Christ. We actively care for our neighbors, locally and globally. We accept all people and open our hearts to the needs of others.

We nurture each person's faith by bringing God's word into their lives, trusting it to give new life, hope and meaning. We create faith-nurturing experiences for all ages in church, home and community.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, our lay and clergy leaders prepare each of us to follow God's call.  our unique gifts, interests and passions are celebrated and effectively and faithfully used in the mission of Lutheran church of the Good Shepherd.

We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) we are in the North East Minnesota Synod of the ELCA.

Find out more!    ELCA     NE MN SYNOD


Lisa Flinn Buchanan

Interim Pastor


Parker Hinnenkamp

–Director of Music Ministry

Katie Rich

Director of Faith Formation

Christine Whitcomb

Office Manager


Amie Abenth -

Communications Coordinator






Vision Council:

Dave Larsen- President

Cyndi Venberg-Council Vice-President

Missy Bergman-Secretary

Craig Bursch

Bob Franseen

Spencer Miller

Leah Moore

Cole Peterson

Janean Tucker


Pastor Lisa Buchanan








The Evangelical Church in America is the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace.  Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person - questions, complexities and all.  Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world.

The Northeastern Minnesota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is located at 1105 E. Superior Street, Upper Suite, Duluth, MN  55802.  Visit their website for information on upcoming synod events, Honduras ministry, access the bi-monthly newsletter "Synod Reflections", and more.


Women of the ELCA is a ministry offering programs, news, and outreach activities.  Looking for devotional and worship materials?  Need something for a program or event?  Addressing difficult issues?  Need leadership tools?  Then you should visit the WELCA website!


"Living Lutheran" is the official general-purpose publication of the ELCA.  their website contains current as well as past issues of the magazine.  The posted study guides are one of the most popular resources.  There are also discussion forums on a variety of issues presented in the magazine.


Lutheran Social Services is a statewide private nonprofit social service agency.  It is owned by the six Minnesota synods of the ELCA.  Services are divided into four divisions:
1.  children and youth
2.  families and adults
3.  seniors
4.  people with disabilities.
If you need services or want to help by volunteering, please visit this page.


Churches United in Ministry (CHUMprovides emergency food and shelter, advocacy, case management, housing stabilization and outreach to over 6,000 different men, women and children each year.  The website includes links to websites of member churches.


Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry Going to camp is an exciting experience!  Look here to find information about Lutheran camp experiences at Camp Hiawatha and Camp Vermilion for all ages.


Lutheran World Relief is a nongovernmental organization that works with partners worldwide to respond to emergencies, seek lasting solutions to rural poverty, and work for peace and justice for all.  How can you be involved?  How can you help?


Augsburg Fortress is the publishing house of the ELCA.  The website offers educational, worship, and community resources, as well as an online store.